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What’s the best theft defense strategy?

If you’re charged with any type of theft-related crime, even one that doesn’t appear serious on the surface, it’s critical that you take the appropriate steps to protect your legal rights. Neglecting to do so puts your future at risk. Here are a few of the many theft defense strategies to consider: Claim of ownership:…

Protect yourself with a strong defense if you face weapons charges

Being charged with a weapons offense can be a surprise, but if you are, you need to take it very seriously. There are dozens of crimes that can involve weapons, and there are many charges that could be filed against you. Some of the most common include: The unlawful possession of a firearm by a…

Facing a DUI charge? Make sure you defend yourself

If you’re facing a DUI, you probably know that you need a defense against the criminal charges. If you don’t defend yourself, you could face significant financial penalties, time in jail and other punishments. What you may not realize is that you could end up facing civil penalties, too. Those penalties are completely separate from…