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What does Colorado consider domestic violence?

Domestic violence has been in the news a lot lately. Reports suggest it has risen considerably in the last few months — but that doesn’t mean you’re “guilty as charged” just because your partner makes an allegation.  If your relationship can get heated at times, you need to understand what Colorado law considers domestic violence…

Why did Nixon start the ‘War on Drugs?’

The last few years have seen a major change in drug laws in the United States. While the push for marijuana to be legalized for medicinal purchases has a fairly long history, it has just recently become legal for recreational use. Colorado was one of the first states to take this approach. This is a…

What is the importance of an acquittal, and how do you get one?

If you are facing a DUI, one thing your attorney can try to do is to achieve an acquittal. An acquittal is when the case against you is dismissed as a result of the prosecution not having enough evidence to continue pursing charges. While going through a trial and receiving a “not guilty” ruling would…