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DUIs can change lives; here’s what you should know

Going out on the town is fun, and it’s especially thrilling when you’re somewhere new with your friends or family. Experiences make a good vacation, but some experiences are better left to others. For example, drinking too much and ending up with a DUI probably isn’t what you want to see happen on your family…

Driver accused of causing fatal collision after drinking

No one wants to hurt another person. Sometimes, accidents happen. You may not have realized how much you had to drink before driving, or perhaps you tested your breath and were under the limit before you got behind the wheel. Every case is different, but when lives are lost, the trouble you could face increases…

Man killed in DUI crash; driver faces 21 years in prison

There is no worse tragedy than the loss of life, no matter who it is. It is particularly difficult to find out about those who are getting married ending up in life-ending collisions, because they were just starting their lives with their loved ones. The saddest part about traffic accidents is that most of them…