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What are some reasons that teens get caught up in crime?

You never expected your child to get arrested, but then you got the phone call. Now you’re just asking yourself how and why this could have happened. What factors pushed your child to break the law? While every case is unique, of course, experts have identified numerous potential risk factors that can increase the likelihood…

What you need to know when facing theft charges

It can be overwhelming to face any type of criminal charge. A conviction of even a minor offense can result in penalties that can alter the course of your life. If you are facing theft charges, it is in your interests to learn as much as you can about the charges you are facing. This…

Florida domestic violence accusations come at a cost

Imagine there’s a woman who receives an award from an organization that provides services for victims of domestic violence and abuse. The woman came to the center with her tale of domestic violence, survived and thrived, and moved on to help others in a situation similar to the one she said she once suffered through….