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Learn from the mistakes of others when dealing with the police

It’s important to learn from the mistakes of the others, especially when those lessons could prevent you from a critically damaged reputation and a possible jail sentence. For example, golf legend Tiger Woods recently made headlines when he was found asleep behind the wheel of his car. The car was pulled over at the side…

Is legal change good or bad for domestic violence cases?

Florida is set to become the first state in the country to change the way criminal defense works when a “Stand Your Ground” law is invoked by a defendant. Right now, if a defendant claims that he or she killed someone in self-defense, the burden rests on that defendant to make his or her case….

Defending against a charge of home invasion in Florida

Florida is one of the few states in the country that lists home invasion as a distinct crime, separate from other types of ordinary breaking and entering charges. Because of the nature of a home invasion — the very idea of which terrifies many people — you face a stiff sentence if you’re convicted. Home…