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How to deal with a warrant for your arrest

Having an outstanding warrant for your arrest is something that can weigh you down and keep you looking over your shoulder constantly.

So, what choice do you have in order to deal with this issue — aside from hiding under your bed sheets for the foreseeable future?

It may depend on what type of warrant is waiting on you.

If you have a bench warrant, for example, that could be as something as simple as a traffic ticket. For example, if you didn’t realize that you had to appear in traffic court and just paid the fine instead, which often happens, that can lead to a bench warrant. Hiring an attorney to handle the issue can often let you get the warrant lifted and escape arrest entirely.

If you have a warrant for a more serious charge, like a felony, you need to contact a criminal defense attorney. Generally, it’s smartest to have an attorney before you turn yourself over to the police. Your attorney can help arrange several different things in advance:

— The boundaries for any interrogation can be established. Your attorney can let the police know, in advance, that you aren’t to be questioned outside of his or her presence.

— The circumstances of your surrender to the police can be negotiated. This might be particularly important if you are a public figure or there’s a lot of media surrounding your situation. You may be able to arrange to surrender at an undisclosed time in order to avoid extra publicity.

— Your bail can be arranged in advance. If you’re eligible for bail, you may be able to find out, in advance, how much the bail will be and arrange to either have the funds available or arrange a bail bondsman to cover you. That way, you can be released again as soon as you go through the booking procedure.

For more information on dealing with an outstanding felony warrant or even a bench warrant, contact an attorney for advice.

Source: FindLaw, “Arrest,” accessed April 07, 2017